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Specialty Colors

Specialty Colors
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11o 1203
Price is for one tube with approximately 21 grams. Vintage light amethyst. ..
11o 1209
Opaque light olive with burnt red speckles.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 g..
11o 1702
Opaque grass green with gold gilt.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams..
11o 1704
Opaque purple with gold gilt.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams. ..
11o 1706
Black with gold gilt.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams. ..
11o 1707
Burnt orange with gold gilt.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams. ..
11o 318F
Price is for one tube with approximately 21 grams. ..
11o 319E
Price is for one tube with approximately 21 grams. ..
11o 464B
Silver metallic.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams. ..
11o 806
Fiber optic creamrose.  Price is for one 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams. ..
11o F460T
Price is for one tube with approximately 21 grams. ..
11o Y307
opaque blueish green picasso 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams..
11o Y852
matte black with frosted copper 1/2" x 5" tube approximately 24 grams ..

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